Lorenzo Amadei

Web expert (and web enthusiast)

Lorenzo likes to understand, study and work with the Web and the several applications it offers and apply them on everyday’s life and work.
He started using Internet in 1995 and since then has been working with the web, following its evolution, focusing on the communication and content management aspects.
Today, as a social media consultant and trainer, he collaborates with both private companies and public administrations and therefore he is confident with both these “worlds”​: their different needs, approaches, strategies and expectations.

Besides that, he has developed a strong expertise with Prezi presentation software and today he also works as a trainer and consultant to help companies and people using this tool to create effective and original presentations. Lorenzo’s “how-to guide”​ to Prezi in Italian has already been viewed more than 190.000 times on Slideshare (https://slidesha.re/prezi-ita)

Experience and skills

  • Building and managing presence in social media and social networks
  • Personal branding
  • Content management (web sites and social media)
  • Prezi (presentation tool)
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Milano / Roma