Federico Attore

Presentation Specialist & Creative Expert

Federico Attore is a communication expert who has got experiences in several markets: food, furniture consumer electronics, media, non-profit, sportwear.
He founded Comunicattore srl, a communication and advertising Agency established in Milan in 2006.

He is specialized in business presentations, both design and speech. He also talks at professional business schools like IULM University in Milan.
Federico has more than 15 years of experiences working with the most important brands and entities, including Gazzetta dello Sport, Osram, Austria Tourism, Alfa Lum, Fondazione Veronesi, Imation, Thomson Multimedia and Philips.

He is a consultant for business and he develops visual stories that transform audiences identifies the hidden story structures inherent in great communication,

Federico has got the Art and Science of Creating Great Presentations, he studied the Duarter’s Method and he takes the Certificate in “Persuasive Presentations” and experienced it for big company with effectiveness results. He supports as a coach, Executives, Managers and entrepreneur to improve their skills in presentations.

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Milano / Roma